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Friday, September 14, 2012

IMAD Lessons learned


Luis Benavente spoke on August 29, 2012 at webinar hosted by CORE on lessons learned by the Improving Malaria Diagnostics [IMaD] project. IMaD and its partners conducted needs assessments in 13 countries and held over 13,000 training contacts, some with repeated participants (i.e. during nearly 3,000 outreach training and support supervision [OTSS] visits), in nine countries. Over 600 laboratory workers participated in IMaD guided malaria microscopy refresher training [MMRT]. The OTSS and MMRT programs seem to have an additive effect improving diagnostic test competence and adherence to test results, as one-to-one coaching takes care of constraints that are specific for a given workplace.

The upcoming annual meeting of the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene [ASTMH] will include several presentations related to the IMaD project’s work. Nicole Whitehurst will present OTSS findings, Luis Benavente will present on MMQA using a small number of slides re-examined during OTSS visits, and Dr J. Jones, Liberia's NMCP manager, will present on species identification and RDT selection.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

TEDxMaastricht Bart Knols: Cheese and dogs and pills to kill mosquitoes

New methods for Malaria eradication that could really put a dent in the high level of malaria around the world.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Alliance for Malaria Prevention Toolkit

The Alliance for Malaria Prevention has released the latest version of the toolkit for mass distribution campaigns to increase coverage and use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets.


Clink on the image above to access this link.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

MCDI receives $100,000 contribution from Marathon Oil Corporation

Medical Care Development International is pleased to acknowledge the recent $100,000 contribution of Marathon Oil Corporation to MCDI to support its behavioral change communication activities in Equatorial Guinea. This generous contribution will be used to develop new I.E.C (Information Education Communication) materials and a 5 year malaria communications strategy for the Bioko Island Malaria Control Project and is in line with Marathon’s policy and belief in promoting and contributing to the health and vitality of the communities in which they have the privilege to operate.

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