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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Behavior Change Communications (BCC)

MCDI developed comprehensive BCC approaches in a number of countries that include radio spots and short programs, pictorial job aids (flipcharts, posters), pictorial reminder materials for caretakers (on ACT doses and schedules), information, education and communication (IEC) materials promoting IRS, and educational games and scripts for use in community drama presentations. Materials were improved with feedback from focus groups of users and health providers. In Benin, Madagascar and Equatorial Guinea, MCDI developed IEC materials, training curricula, and supervisory systems to improve the recognition of malaria signs and symptoms at household level, promote better and timelier care-seeking behavior, and improving the quality of treatment at facility and community levels. In BIMCP, sprayers, reaching all communities and most homes, were trained to provide face-to-face education to mothers to increase awareness on prevention, early detection and care seeking behavior, and better household care practices for treatment of fever.

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