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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Distribution of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated Bed-nets (LLINs)

MCDI has managed the procurement and distribution of LLINs at the community level in Madagascar and Benin working with partners on social marketing and free distribution. Under the EGMCI project, MCDI purchased 164,000 nets, and to date has distributed approximately 146,608 nets on the EG mainland, with plans to distribute the rest during the next distribution round in 2010. In addition, MCDI has purchased and distributed close to 116,594 LLINs on Bioko Island under the BIMCP Project thereby exceeding the coverage rate achieved by all other African countries for which data are available. Emphasis in all these programs was to work through community distributors in both urban and rural areas. In rural areas specifically, coverage and accessibility to health facilities is limited. At the same time, a health facility-based distribution of approximately 2,000 nets will be targeted toward pregnant women and children under five on Bioko Island to ensure that as new children are born, they will also be covered. MCDI coordinated with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), national chapters of the Spanish and Canadian Red Cross, as well as the local Red Cross Chapter in Equatorial Guinea to develop and implement an effective distribution plan and post-distribution monitoring strategy. Monitoring coverage with LQAS after the campaign proved that the campaign had achieved satisfactory coverage in all supervision areas under both the BIMCP and EGMCI projects. The BIMCP project has documented an additive, synergistic effect of the combined use of LLINs and IRS together.

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