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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MCDI Malaria Blog - Topics and Technical Updates

MCDI has many years of experience assisting governments and working at community level in Equatorial Guinea (EG), Madagascar, Benin, Mozambique, and Belize to develop and implement comprehensive malaria control programs. This includes working through government systems and using community outreach to incorporate malaria control into existing child survival programs (the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness – IMCI approach), as well as more direct malaria control interventions. In addition, MCDI chairs the malaria working group of CORE (a consortium of non-governmental organizations working in child survival) that coordinates the adoption of appropriate policies and development of state-of-the-art technical approaches to malaria control by its member organizations. To date, the CORE malaria working group has developed reference materials and guidelines to provide advice on areas such as behavior change, community case management, and prevention approaches. Finally, MCDI participates in the periodic planning discussions of the measles/malaria working group that works to coordinate combined programs of ITN distribution and measles vaccination in many countries.

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