Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
MCDI has developed and is currently implementing a rigorous and extensive M&E program to track results and document the impact of the BIMCP and EGMCI projects. This includes monitoring any changes in mosquito populations and sporozoite rates as IRS is implemented, testing and documenting the continuing effectiveness of insecticides chosen for IRS, establishing and following any changes in malaria parasitemia and anemia rates in children and pregnant women associated with the IRS campaign, and tracking reported malaria cases though government health facilities as noted above. This comprehensive M&E system was set up with Ministry of Health participation to include periodic annual household surveys to track results and measure impact, improve supervision of health facility staff, and improve data entry. It includes data management and feedback to facilities through the routine MOH health information system, and a complete drug management system that includes purchasing, logistics, and monitoring for proper prescribing practices and use. In addition, through its extensive work implementing child survival programs in a number of countries, MCDI has experience gathering information, designing programs, and developing M&E systems based on a proven methodology of community knowledge, practice, and coverage (KPC) surveys that are used to establish baselines and monitor progress over time.
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